Tuesday, November 13, 2007

XTC-BOSTON - December 6, 2007

eXtreme Tuesday Becomes eXtreme Thursday

Our last get-together was a lively discussion about bringing agile methods to non-agile teams. At the end of the evening we also discussed the day we meet, the frequency, and the venue:
  • Tuesdays seem to compete with too many other gatherings.
  • Twice a month seems to be too often.
  • The Cambridge Brewing Co. is getting noisier and is having more trouble accommodating us. It's also full of people who look like they may be us, making it more difficult for new people to find us.
So we're going to try some changes:
  • The eXtreme Tuesday Club is becoming the eXtreme Thursday Club. (This has the added advantage that we don't have to change our URL.)
  • We're going to try meeting once a month, on the first Thursday of the month.
  • We're looking for alternative places to meet. In December we're going to try Kinsale in central Boston.
That means that there will be no meeting the third week of November. The next meeting will be:
In other news, I will be headed back to New York at the beginning of December, so I won't be attending this or most subsequent meetings. I'll be thinking of you while I'm having beers at XTC-NYC though. Enjoy yourselves!


1 comment:

Julia said...

Hey, thanks for changing the day! Tuesdays have always been bad for me. I added this event to upcoming.org to get the word out.