Saturday, September 13, 2008

XTC-Boston - October 2, 2008 at Kinsale's

The next meeting will be:

* Thursday, October 2, from 6:30pm
* The Kinsale Irish Pub and Restaurant, 2 Center Plaza, Boston, MA 02108

In this meeting, we'll discuss "Transitioning to Agile".

How quickly can a transition be made? Whar changes are best to start with? How do you measure success?

We'll also discuss XTC itself - see "How can we improve eXtreme Thursday".

How can we improve eXtreme Thursday?

It's approximately a year since we started XTC. In that year, we've had some very good meetings, but also some that were tiny and one that was just me enjoying a drink by myself...

Some thoughts on changes that might help:

Settle on a location
Kinsale's seems appropriate based on our experiences.
Select a main topic for each meeting
I'll propose a topic for the October meeting.
Schedule more frequent meetings
Might have an interesting counter-intuitive effect.
Note who's attending
We're getting a bit of this from meetup. Can it be improved? London does this by a wiki.

I'd love to hear other ideas. What would make this group more useful to you?