Tuesday, September 25, 2007

XTC-BOSTON - October 2, 2007

We've decided to stay at the Cambridge Brewing Company for the next get-together. We're looking for alternatives, so if you know of a hospitable place that is relatively central, reasonably accessible via T, but also with convenient parking, please post a comment with your suggestion.

The next Boston eXtreme Tuesday will be on Tuesday, Oct. 2 starting at 6:30pm. Feel free to add a comment if you plan to come!

We discovered at the last meeting that asking people to look for a likely bunch of geeks in Cambridge didn't do much to distinguish us from everybody else. I'll try to post photos soon so you can recognize some of us, but you can always look for people (or at least one person) wearing Cyrus Innovation shirts.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

XTC-BOSTON - Sept 18, 2007

The inaugural Boston eXtreme Tuesday will be at the Cambridge Brewing Company, Kendall Square on Tuesday, Sept. 18 starting at 6:30pm. Please add a comment if you plan to come!

If you want to find us and don't know what any of us look like then (a) look for a likely bunch of geeks and ask "Are you extreme?" or (b) look for people wearing Cyrus Innovation shirts.

Extreme Tuesday - Boston Edition

Welcome to the XTC-BOSTON blog!

This blog will be hosting announcements for Boston eXtreme Tuesday meetups. The idea is someone will announce the next meetup, and then people can comment to say whether they will be coming, and any possible discussions they might be interested in having.


The original eXtreme Tuesday Club is a weekly gathering of eXtreme Programming practitioners that has taken place in London for 8 years or so. It has provided a great community for like-minded software developers, managers and coaches to get together in a very informal way to discuss the ups and downs of using XP and other agile Software Development methods on a wide variety of projects in all sorts of organisations.

When Mike Roberts moved to New York City, he missed the informality / beer / random banter of London's XTC and decided to kick off a similar event there in January 2007. Among other attendees were developers from New York's Cyrus Innovation. Now that Cyrus has established an office in Boston, its XP developers are looking for a place to quaff tankards of ale once again with other agile aficionados. Hence, XP Boston.

(Thanks to Mike for providing the idea, the New York implementation, and the source blog material from which I cribbed freely.)